Horse and I

Dla czarodziejki nici. Na nici:) Technika mieszana, ale głównie akryl.

„The smell of redwood giants.
The banquet for the shadows.
Horse and I, we’re dancers in the dark…

(Bat For Lashes „Horse and I”)

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

Got woken in the night

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

by a mystic golden light

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

My head soaked in river water

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

I had been dressed in a coat

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

of armor

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

They called a horse out of the woodland

skrzynka, włóczka, bat for lashes

„Take her there, through the desert shores”

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